Amplitude Detectors

Mi-Wave’s 950 Series Detectors convert incident RF energy into a DC voltage signal. The function of these detectors is similar to power sensors, with two exceptions. The 950 Series detectors perform measurements more quickly and have a greater dynamic range than that obtainable from comparable power sensors.Ideally suited for rapid power measurements, these finline detectors are designed for a variety of instrumentation setups such as scalar analyzer applications. For low signal level measurement, the detectors provide significantly more sensitivity than that available from power sensor

Harmonic Mixer, 26.5 GHz to 40 GHz, LO frequency range 2GHz 20 GHz, LO Power +10 dBm


26.5 – 40 GHz, Sensitivity of 1500 mV/mW, WR-28


33 – 50 GHz, Sensitivity of 1200 mV/mW, WR-22


40 – 60 GHz, Sensitivity of 1100 mV/mW, WR-19


50 – 75 GHz, Sensitivity of 1000 mV/mW, WR-15


60 – 90 GHz, Sensitivity of 800 mV/mW, WR-12


75 – 110 GHz, Sensitivity of 750 mV/mW, WR-10


90 – 140 GHz, Sensitivity of 500 mV/mW, WR-8


110 – 170 GHz, Sensitivity of 250 mV/mW, WR-6