Memorandum to All Parties Conducting Business With Millimeter Wave Products, Inc.
SUBJECT: COVID-19 Pandemic Business Response
Dear Valued Partner:
On Wednesday, March 18, President Trump invoked and activated the Defense Production Act (“the Act”), 50 U.S.C. App. 2061 et seq., to provide resources to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. The Act authorizes the President to require private manufacturers to give priority to defense contracts over any other obligations and forms a rating system for such contracts to establish their priority.
To that effect and in response to the growing crisis, Millimeter Wave Products Inc. has:
1. Cancelled all non-essential travel.
2. Postponed all non-critical meetings, conferences and gatherings of parties larger than 10
persons in favor of digital meeting alternatives such as SKYPE, GoToMeeting and email.
3. Suspended company disciplinary policy for unexcused absences to encourage employees to
self-monitor and (if necessary) self-quarantine.
4. Increased housecleaning routines to increase frequency of sanitizing rest rooms and lunchrooms.
5. Posted and distributed information in conspicuous locations regarding the disease, how it is
spread and the actions recommended to mitigate contracting the disease and spreading it.
6. Promoted frequent and thorough hand washing
7. Encouraged respiratory etiquette, including maintaining a 6-foot social distance from other people, covering coughs and sneezes with tissue or in the worst case, the elbow.
8. Provided personnel with tissues, trash receptacles and hand sanitizer.
9. Discouraged workers from using other workers’ phones, desks, offices, or other work tools
and equipment, when possible.
10. Established a plan for segregated areas, controlled access and employee screening to
prevent employees from entering the facility if showing signs or symptoms of illness.
11. Implemented business continuity plan, including:
a. Cross development of personnel to ensure personnel absenteeism will not impact
business capacity.
b. Remote access availability for specific administrative personnel.
c. Machinery arranged in clusters to allow single operator to operate multiple machines
effectively to ensure personnel absenteeism will not impact business capacity.
d. Identification and establishment of alternative suppliers for critical items to mitigate
supply chain shortage risks.
e. Designated ‘Back-Up” personnel for critical tasks.
Millimeter Wave Products currently has active contracts which have priority ratings. Under the Act, those rated contracts must be scheduled to the extent possible to ensure delivery of the deliverables by the required delivery date.
We fully expect that in the coming hours, the State of Florida will issue a shelter-in-place order. The Shelter-in-Place order will require citizens to shelter in place at home, and either work at home or not work, unless they are involved in what will be identified as essential businesses or essential infrastructure operations.
Clarification obtained has indicated that Millimeter Wave Products Inc. is involved in essential infrastructure operations because of our many priority-rated contracts.
Therefore, we have planned and are prepared to maintain operations even when our local and state government issues a shelter-in-place order.
We will continue to aggressively monitor the status of this global crisis while protecting the well being of our staff and supporting the continuity of the essential supply chain to which we belong.
We appreciate your business and the opportunity to share our plan for continuing to support your needs and business.
Mark Smith
Millimeter Wave Products Inc.
2007 Gandy Blvd. N Suite#1310
Saint Petersburg, Florida 33703

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As the manufacturing source, we have top sales engineers ready to answer all your questions and quote you on product needs. You’ll find our prices are some of the best since we manufacture all our millimeter wave products in house.
Have a custom job or unique need? No problem! Contact us so we can work on solutions to meet your needs.
2007 Gandy Blvd N
Suite 1310
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Tel: 727-563-0034
Fax: 727-563-0031