Mi-wave’s RF Downconverters are a reliable means for the conversion frequency signals. Our units can be tailored with options—such as multichannel, individual gain control, remote access, high input power, multiple inputs/ outputs and packaged for airborne, commercial, military, and extreme environments.
- Low Phase Noise
- Excellent Frequency Stability
- Superfine tuning steps
- Multichannel option available
- Gain Control option available
- Low LO leakage
- High Image rejection
- Small Package
- Point-to-Point radio Communication
- Telemetry
- Meteorology
- Radar Communication
- Satellite Communication
- Astronomy
- 5G
Our team has over 35+ years in the mmwave and microwave rf industry in design, prototyping, manufacturing and more to help bring your creations to life. Contact us today for any upconverter, downconverter, transcivers, LNBs, low noise block Down-converters or sub assembly systems.
*All data presented is collected from a sample lot.
* Actual data may vary unit to unit, slightly.
*All testing was performed under +25 °C case temperature.
*Consult factory to confirm if material, plating, size, shape, orientation and any electrical parameter is critical for the application as website information is for reference only.
*Millimeter Wave Products, Inc. reserves the right to change the information presented on website without notice as we continue to enhance the performance and design of our products.
Build Your RF Downconverter Needs…and more
Millimeter Wave Products Inc has built and been part of many special project builds that have required Upconverters/downconverters, transceivers and various components within systems. Contact us to discuss your project needs. We can help every step of the way and manufacture your parts and RF assemblies.

RF Downconverter