K Band Horn Lens Antenna 6″ Diameter | 18GHz – 26.5GHz

Products> Antenna Products > Horn Lens Antennas > K-Band Horn Lens Antennas 6" Diameter K-Band Waveguide Horn Lens Antenna 258K-6/.XXX/595 18 GHz - 26.5 GHz Circular Waveguide with UG-595/U Flange Description: Mi-Wave’s 258 Series horn lens antenna consists of a circular scalar feed horn illuminating a piano-convex lens. Housed in either aluminum or plastic, these horn lens antennas provide a high-efficiency beam with equal E and H plane amplitude patterns. Circular Waveguide Internal


Ku Band Horn Lens Antenna 12″ Diameter | 12.4 GHz – 18GHz

Products> Antenna Products > Horn Lens Antennas > Ku-Band Horn Lens Antennas 12 Diameter Ku-Band Waveguide Horn Lens Antenna 258Ku-12/.XXX/419 12.4 GHz - 18 GHz Circular Waveguide with UG-419/U Flange Description: Mi-Wave’s 258 Series horn lens antenna consists of a circular scalar feed horn illuminating a piano-convex lens. Housed in either aluminum or plastic, these horn lens antennas provide a high-efficiency beam with equal E and H plane amplitude patterns. Circular Waveguide Internal


Ku Band Horn Lens Antenna 9″ Diameter | 12.4 GHz – 18GHz

Products> Antenna Products > Horn Lens Antennas > Ku-Band Horn Lens Antennas 9" Diameter Ku-Band Waveguide Horn Lens Antenna 258Ku-9/.XXX/419 12.4 GHz - 18 GHz Circular Waveguide with UG-419/U Flange Description: Mi-Wave’s 258 Series horn lens antenna consists of a circular scalar feed horn illuminating a piano-convex lens. Housed in either aluminum or plastic, these horn lens antennas provide a high-efficiency beam with equal E and H plane amplitude patterns. Circular Waveguide Internal


X-Band Horn Lens Antenna 12″ Diameter | 8.2 GHz – 12.4GHz

Products> Antenna Products > Horn Lens Antennas > X-Band 12" Diameter Horn Lens Antennas X-Band Waveguide Horn Lens Antenna 258X-12/.XXX/39, 8.2GHz - 12.4GHz WR-90, UG-39 Description: Mi-Wave’s 258 Series horn lens antenna consists of a circular scalar feed horn illuminating a piano-convex lens. Housed in either aluminum or plastic, these horn lens antennas provide a high-efficiency beam with equal E and H plane amplitude patterns. Circular Waveguide Internal Diameter and Frequency Range .XXX=1.094


Dual Ridged Horn Antennas | 7-70 GHz

Products> Antenna Products > Dual Ridged Horn Antennas Dual Ridged Horn Antennas 7 -70 GHz Description: Mi-Wave's 265 Series Dual Ridged Horn Antennas Broadband Horn Antenna 7 to 70 GHz nominal Tested at 17.7 to 32 GHz are fabricated with very close tolerances to ensure the precision of every horn manufactured by MiWave. : Features • Available from 7 to 70 GHz • Made with precise dimensional tolerance control •


Prime Focus Parabolic Antennas

Prime Focus Parabolic Antennas This guide contains information on a representative group of millimeter wave antennas and feeds that are currently available from Millimeter Wave. The design capability that indicated may also be used to solve other unique requirements in the antenna field. Inquiries outlining special require s for millimeter antennas, antenna feeds and complete antenna systems are cordially invited Email inquiries to engineering@miwv.com How To Specify Antennas: Prime Focus Parabolic Antennas


Cassegrain Antennas

Cassegrain Antennas This guide contains information on a representative group of millimeter wave antennas and feeds that are currently available from Millimeter Wave. The design capability that indicated may also be used to solve other unique requirements in the antenna field. Inquiries outlining special require s for millimeter antennas, antenna feeds and complete antenna systems are cordially invited Email inquiries to engineering@miwv.com How To Specify Antennas: Prime Focus Parabolic Antennas Cassegrain antennas are


How To Specify Antennas

How To Specify Antennas This guide contains information on a representative group of millimeter wave antennas and feeds that are currently available from Millimeter Wave. The design capability that indicated may also be used to solve other unique requirements in the antenna field. Inquiries outlining special require s for millimeter antennas, antenna feeds and complete antenna systems are cordially invited Email inquiries to engineering@miwv.com How To Specify Antennas The selection of the


WR-Band Horn Antennas | WR-51 | 15 – 22 GHz

WR-51 Standard Gain Horn Antennas 15 – 22 GHz Description: Mi-Wave's WR-Band Horn Antennas | WR-51 | 15 – 22 GHz are created with the end consumer in mind. We know you need and demand the absolute best when it comes to WR-band horn antennas and look to provide you with the best solutions possible. Some of the highlights of our WR-band horn antennas are: Features • Available from 12.4 to


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